A Few Tips to Prepare Your Bathroom for Tile Reglazing in Baltimore, MD

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Business

Tile reglazing is a process that should be left to the pros. Most people simply clear out their tubs before having tile reglazing in Baltimore, MD, performed. However, there are a few lesser-known items to ensure are handled before the big day arrives. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Have All Plumbing Repaired First

All too often, customers have a leaky faucet or improperly functioning shower diverter. These issues may seem unrelated, but they can lead to problems. For example, having a plumber over to resolve them after getting your tiles reglazed may ruin the new glazing. Having all plumbing issues resolved before the process begins makes it easier for everyone.

Finish Home Improvement Projects Nearby First

While having your attic refinishing in process is fine, having pieces of wood sticking out of your bathroom walls is not. Since most customers do multiple home improvement projects at the same time, it’s not uncommon for them to have a sink installation in progress at the same time. Unfortunately, that leaves very little room for tile reglazing in Baltimore, MD, to take place.

Make Sure the Tub is Deep Cleaned

Either use pros or do it yourself, but ensure that every nook and cranny of your tub is cleaned before having tile reglazing done. This involves removing every remnant of soap, cleaner, and anything else that might get in the way. Otherwise, the job may not come out as well as you pictured.

If it’s time for a tile reglazing for your home in the Maryland and DC area, reach out to Tub Coaters Bathtub and Tile Refinishing at website today!

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