Learn More About the Best Shingles Natural Treatment for Adults

by | Sep 23, 2021 | Health Care

Shingles are a medical condition that produces painful skin lesions and itching on the face, back and torso. People who believe they have shingles should always visit a medical doctor for a diagnosis and treatment, but there are natural methods for relieving the discomfort. Keep reading to learn more about shingles natural treatment options.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are great for reducing pain and inflammation. The best oils for shingles are chamomile, eucalyptus, and tea tree. When using essential oils, remember to always use them with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil. Never apply essential oils directly onto the skin without diluting them with a carrier oil, otherwise, you risk burning the skin.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is an inexpensive and highly effective natural treatment for treating incessant itching. Consumers can use witch hazel in any form including creams and toners to achieve relief.

Cold Baths and Compresses

Minimize pain by using cold compresses and taking cool baths. Cold compresses soothe irritated skin, reducing inflammation and itchiness. As long as the shingles persist, make it a habit to take a cold bath once or twice a day. Avoid scrubbing the affected areas of the body to prevent irritation.

Oat Bath

Another natural remedy is taking a cool oat bath. Oats moisturize the skin, making it less irritated and calming the itch. Don’t use any oats though. The FDA has approved colloidal oatmeal and recommends it as a safe natural treatment.

For more information about shingles natural treatment options, contact AO Biologix online at https://aobiologix.com/shingular/.

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