Humanity has a series of significant issues for those who live below the poverty line. Certainly, of all their necessities, the need for healthy, nutritious food tops the list.
Feeding The Hungry and Soup Kitchens
One of the most considerable advances in humanity has been the continued outreach to feed the poor by those with the ability to help. From food banks to soup kitchens, mobile on-site street feeding, and Meals-on-Wheels, these outreach programs have been a life-sustaining help for millions of Americans.
New York City Outreach
New York City has one of the largest food insecure populations in the country and has a great need to feed the hungry New York City population. Many of those in need are struggling families working hard to provide nutritious meals for their children. Food banks have become a vital food supplemental source for tens of thousands of New York City area families.
While there are a variety of food services for the poor such as food stamps, WIC, and school lunches, many families still struggle to provide nutritious meals on a regular basis. This has been increasingly problematic since the pandemic began. Having sustainable food sources that are nutritious and have a long shelf life offers the best support for many of these families in need.
If you are looking to help feed the hungry New York City population, Heavenly HARVST’s mission is to help end hunger for the poor and marginalized people of New York City and beyond. They produce, provide and distribute nutritious, shelf-stable meals to programs that relieve hunger. You can learn more about their programs and how to get involved at web.