When Should You Visit With an Orange County Dog Bite Lawyer?

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Lawyers & Law Firms

If you are bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation. However, if you don’t act in a timely manner, you may jeopardize your chances of getting the money that you need to pay medical bills or make up for wages lost while recovering from your injuries.

Ideally, you will seek treatment immediately after being attacked by a dog even if you think that your injuries are minor. Doing so can help get an accurate diagnosis as well as create a paper trail that can be used during settlement talks or during a personal injury trial.

Your next step should be to consult with Orange dog bite attorneys to learn more about your rights. An attorney may be able to ensure that you file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations runs out or organize evidence in your case. Typically, you’ll have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit in your case.

An attorney may also be able to obtain the dog’s medical history or other information that the defendant won’t easily provide without pressure to do so. Finally, an attorney might take steps to convince a judge or jury that you didn’t do anything to provoke the dog or take other actions that could imply liability for your injuries.

If you have been hurt by a dog, don’t hesitate to consult with Orange dog bite attorneys at Law Office of Joseph Richards, P.C. today to learn more about how to proceed in your case.

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